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Pike Jumps: How to, Benefits, and Exercise Guide

Jul 01, 2023

Lower body training is crucial for athletes, not only for enhancing fitness and posture but also for effectively torching those stubborn calories. A study reveals that when it comes to calorie burn, lower body resistance training outshines others (1). This comes as no surprise because your legs house some of the largest muscles in your body, leading to more calorie expenditure. This exercise guide shares how to do pike jumps and other movements focusing on the same muscles, like bicycle crunches.

Some great lower-body exercises include squats and deadlifts, but if you want something different, how about pike jumps? This plyometric exercise targets your core and lower body while improving your power, balance, and coordination. They involve jumping in the air and getting your legs parallel while folding your torso over your body.

If you think that sounds hard, you’re on to something because pike jumps are no walk in the park. However, with the right tips, you can perfect this routine and enjoy its many benefits.

Pike jumps work on your glutes, quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, calves, abs, and obliques. This routine builds explosive power, strength, and agility. This recent study shows that combining resistance with plyometric training will significantly increase muscle strength, power, and speed (2).

The pike jump is an advanced and high-impact movement that must be done with perfect form for safety. Are you ready to add pike jumps to your training and further strengthen your lower body muscles? Then here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this exercise.

The pike jump takes time to perfect, but doing it offers many benefits. It also has carryover to other resistance training exercises. Below are some benefits that athletes can reap.

Pike jumps require a lot of core strength, even if they’re not a traditional core training exercise like planks. You must brace and use your abs to fold your body in half. As a result, consistently doing this exercise improves and increases your core strength.

You need your quads, glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings, and calves to lift your entire body into the air during the pike jump. As you train more, it becomes easier as your legs strengthen.

Pike jumps cause your muscles to shorten and lengthen quickly. Over time, this increases your muscle power and improves overall coordination. The better your muscle power, the stronger your agility and speed.

Pike jumps train your explosive power, improving sports performance for gymnastics athletes. It’s a routine you’ll most likely see during cheerleading, but gymnastics strength is important in CrossFit competition. That explosive power can also help with workouts like the power clean, squats, lunges, and other Olympic lifts. The stronger your power due to doing pike jumps, the better you’ll be at those exercises.

Pike jumps are a great bodyweight exercise that you can use to add variation to your resistance training. Below are other exercises targeting some of the same muscle groups.

Burpees are a full-body exercise that also targets your legs, hips, and core muscles. They also train your explosive strength, just like pike jumps. It’s a high-intensity activity that’ll improve your conditioning.

Bicycle crunches are a variation of the standard crunch and a great way to strengthen your core muscles. Bicycle crunches work on balance and build your abs, obliques, and hips. This routine also uses your bodyweight and can be done by people of all fitness levels.

Supermans are another exercise that strengthens your abs, back, glutes, hamstrings, and shoulders. This exercise is great for strengthening your spine and improving your posture, primarily targeting your lower back.

Squat jumps are excellent for improving your lower body strength and power. Plus, they engage your core and mimic the jumping pike jumps require. As the name suggests, get into a quarter squat stance, then explode off the ground using your leg muscles.

Pike jumps build and strengthen your lower body. They also improve your speed, agility, and explosive power. For a more detailed breakdown, check the guide above.

Pike jumps work the muscles in your core and lower body, like the hamstrings, glutes, and gastrocnemius. In the guide above, you’ll find more muscles worked and the benefits of this routine.

When it comes to pike jumps, practice makes perfect. Start your training with a smaller range of motion, then proceed to the full jump when your strength and flexibility improve. Doing warmups before jumping can also help improve performance and prevent injuries.

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how to do pike jumps